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Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam

Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam, the Tamil monthly of the Ramakrishna Order, ranks No. 1 among the spiritual and cultural magazines in Tamil Nadu. Started in 1921, it has a circulation of 1,60,000 at present. The magazine reaches out to 2444 libraries, 140 Schools, 100 clinics and 200 orphanages and old age homes. Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam contains articles on spiritual and cultural topics, short stories and pictorial stories for children. It has special features like Youth Power, Teachers’ World, Students’ World, Sanatana Dharma and Purana and Itihasa among others.

Students’ World
To inspire the thoughts and deeds of the students, and channelize their energies towards higher goals, articles—many contributed by educationalists—are being published. Speeches and presentations given in schools by the Editor Swami are converted into articles and published in the magazine.

‘Question & Answers’ Section for Students
A popular feature of Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam is the Question and Answer section for students. During workshops for students and teachers in schools, they are encouraged to ask questions. These questions (with answers) are later published in the magazine. Students ask interesting questions: How do I overcome jealousy? How do I improve memory? How do I develop respect for my teacher who seems to be less knowledgeable than I am?, etc.

Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam also publishes articles that encourage the youth (particularly students) to develop their personality, expose them to ennobling ideas, improve self-confidence and faith in our rich culture thus inculcating devotion to higher principles of life and ultimately inspiring them to pursue all-round development of the faculties of body, mind, intellect and soul.

Many youth have become truly inspired and have returned back to the noble and progressive life from the undesirable and unbefitting diversions. Thus in a way Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam has been contributing its part for the moral uplift of the society. The reminiscences of such people also are regularly published in the magazine, thus inspiring and motivating others in turn.

Teachers’ World
This section publishes inspiring articles by educationists and experienced teachers, focusing on: improving teacher’s teaching skill, understanding the challenges in teaching, understanding the students for adapting the teaching and style to suit various types of young minds. The goal of becoming an accomplished teacher is made an achievable one through this section. Swami Vivekananda’s thoughts on Man-making education are the basis to articles in this section.

Workshops are regularly conducted in various Schools and Colleges by the Editor Swami for the benefit of teachers. Power point presentations, case studies, group discussions and teaching methods are used in these workshops. The gist of the points emerging in the workshop is presented in this section of the magazine.

Mother’s World
Family is the fundamental and most important unit of the society. Given the importance of the ‘role’ of the Mother in shaping the child’s future and her role within the family, Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam has dedicated a section for mothers – to educate them, equip them and inspire them – about the importance and role of the Mother.

The section includes illustrative stories and anecdotes from the successful people’s inspiring lives, inputs drawn from our rich cultural & spiritual heritage and thoughts of saints on this subject.

Children Section
For children a pictorial section has been dedicated. Focus is to expose the children to the rich culture and spiritual heritage they are heir to, through inspiring and popular stories in the lives of great people – saints, heroes in the life of India, unknown karma yogis, etc – both past and present.

The stories are from the lives of great teachers, Acharyas, Saints, Devotees, Alwars, Nayanmars, Heroes in the history of India, and many Karma Yogis. Anecdotes of spiritual value received from other countries also are used. Pictorial Stories are popular with not only children but with all age groups.

Other Sections and Columns
  • Hasya yogam
  • A puzzle to locate temples through photographs
  • One line quotes on each page act as catalyst for self improvement
  • Slokas: Every month Sanskrit slokas are published with meaning in Tamil
  • Question Answer on Spirituality – This is a very popular section. Hundreds of spiritual questions are answered by a senior Swami.

Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam Rural Promotion Scheme
You can sponsor by paying a sum of Rs. 700/- to ONE RURAL LIBRARY or sponsor ONE CLINIC of your choice for 5 years.