FAQs on joining the Ramakrishna Order
FAQs on joining the Ramakrishna Order
(Frequently Asked Questions)
(Frequently Asked Questions)
Many youngsters when they come across the inspiring life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda, feel an urge to embrace monastic life in the Ramakrishna Order. For others, the urge to renounce the world may come as a result of their watching/listening to inspiring talks on Spiritual aspects of Hinduism. Disillusionment with worldly attainments and relationships also drive quite a few to the doors of a monastery. Then there are “Be good and Do Good” youth who are impressed by the work of the Ramakrishna Mission and want to dedicate themselves to its service activities. Whatever may be the immediate inspiration, they need to carefully consider quite a few factors before joining the Ramakrishna Order. To help such would-be monks to arrive at the right decision, here is a set of Frequently asked Questions and Answers.
It means to leave behind one’s family and friends, profession and attainments, all worldly interests, pleasures and concerns, and embrace the monastic life. The person will henceforth live in a monastery of the Ramakrishna Order, usually known as Math or Ashrama, devoting his life exclusively to spiritual pursuits and selfless service. In course of his monastic life he has to take up vows of Brahmacharya (celibacy) and Sannyasa (monkhood) which will be the cornerstone of his monastic life. The Ramakrishna Order is a well-defined body of monks which owes its origin to Sri Ramakrishna and his eminent disciples headed by Swami Vivekananda.
The essence of spiritual life in the Ramakrishna Order is love and devotion to the spiritual ideal which is Sri Ramakrishna, and worshipful service to Him. The combination of the four yoga’s- Jnana (Knowledge), Bhakti (Devotion), Karma (Detached work) and Raja (Meditative Practices) yoga- find ample expression in this ideal. Pursuing any one yoga to the exclusion of others is not encouraged in our Order.
Not all Ashramas bearing the name of Sri Ramakrishna or Swami Vivekananda are our branches. So please check if the particular Ashrama you are referring to is a recognized branch of ours. The list of our official branches can be had from our website https://belurmath.org/branch-centres
You may join the Order at that center and continue there for about three years at the most. After that, it is up to the Belur Math Headquarters to decide your place of stay and work.