Charitable Dispensary
Annual Report 2023 - 24
The Math started its Charitable Dispensary in 1925 to render service to the poor and helpless patients in and around the locality. The devoted and self-sacrificing services of other eminent doctors as well as lay devotees have enabled this Dispensary to grow into a very useful center of medical relief and diagnostic center in the heart of Chennai. During its 1st year the number of patients treated was only 970, whereas in the year 2017 the number was more than 3.5 lakhs.
A monastic member looks after the day to day administration of the Dispensary. With the help of about 40 Doctors, 30 Volunteers and 19 staff, Their Self-sacrificing service is helping its smooth function. On an average, 800 patients per day avail the medical facilities here.
Most of the medicines like stock mixtures, tablets, lotions, ointments, syrups are given free of cost. However, expensive medicines like tonics, antibiotics, drugs, multivitamin drops for children injections etc are given at a very nominal charge.
The Dispensary charges only a fee of ₹ 1 (0.5 Cent) for doctor consultation for all patients.
They play a major role in addressing many issues arising out of Health problems which include awareness creation, early screening of patients, house to house Active Case Detection campaign, treatment and referral to Specialized Hospitals when required.
8.00 am to 11.30 am
2.30 pm to 5.00 pm
+ 91 44 2464 3955
Service Activities of Dispensary
Service Activities of Dispensary